The Podcast Hotel

The Podcast Hotel looks like its going to be a great time. This is an event that truly captures the spirit of citizen media. The team at Corante crew thought up the event in an effort to produce a truly creative, interactive and living environment around the medium of podcasting. If your into it, I suggest you check out the site. I hope to see you there.

On Sept. 6 and 7, the Jupiter Hotel in Portland, Or., will become a podcast and videoblog studio. Rooms will be for recording, editing and producing. The court yard will be a media lounge. The underground club will be for podcast concerts. And the city of Portland will become our stage.

The stage will be set not just in Portland but around the world, where podcasters and video bloggers will document their work and their communities for inclusion in the Podcast Hotel. It’s an extended event that will celebrate not just podcasting and video blogging but the ability of us all to create in whole new ways.

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