Behavioral Targeting in Email

I am featured in today’s iMedia Connection article “Using Behavioral Targeting with Email” by Robert Moskowitz. Robert talks about the use of various behavioral targeting tactics marketers are using and the effectiveness of such strategies.

Anytime you can mine more information, particularly user behavior, from your customer database, you increase your chances of successful conversions (i.e. Sales). Targeting and relevance play a huge roll in the way more sophisticated email marketers are using the channel.

One of the key advantages to email and online in general, as I point out in the article, is that marketers have the flexibility of testing various behavioral targeting strategies to small segments of their database. If a particular tactic is working then you can deploy it on a larger scale, and if not, you can easily drop it with very little risk.

This quote from Jupiter sums up the importance of taking behavioral targeting seriously in your email marketing efforts:

“…when marketers actively target their email campaigns to specific behavioral and demographic characteristics, they can produce more than 18 times the profits that broadcast messages produce, according to Jupiter Research.”

Tags: blueskyfactory, emailmarketing, email, business, behavioralmarketing, behavioraltargeting, marketing,

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