Podcamp Pittsburgh Nov 11-12
In the spirit of the original Podcamp that took place in Boston last month, Podcamp Pittsburgh is next up on November 11-12 at the Pittsburgh Filmakers Media Arts Center. The inagural Podcamp in Boston was an incredible event. If you’ve never been to an un-conference before, I highly recommend attending one. If you dont know what Podcamp is, here is the elevator pitch overview:
“PodCamp is a FREE UN-CONFERENCE for people who create, enjoy or are interested in learning more about the following: blogs, vlogs, audio podcasts, web video, content networks and new media monetization. Show up, meet people, make connections!”
Originally pioneered by Chris Brogan, Christopher S. Penn, Bryan Person, Steve Garfield, Adam Weiss, and Susan (Sooz) Kaup, along with the help of many others, Podcamp was born with the intention of achieving 3 objectives:
- share information.
- share relationships and build community.
- grow the community out
Podcamp is an open source idea, if your into this kind of thing, perhaps you should consider running one in your local area. I am really hoping to make it to Pittsburgh, but its at the tail end of a busy travel week that takes me to NYC for Ad Tech and then to Boston for the MITX Awards. We shall see.