Archive for February, 2005

ASCAP Offers Podcast License

Friday, February 11th, 2005

This is so cool. Finally, a break in the music licensing arena for podcasts! I have about 3-4 podcasts already produced that I had used non pod-safe music on, simply because I dont have time to make up my own music, and you probably wouldn’t want to hear it if I made anyway. That being […]

The Internet Urinal

Thursday, February 10th, 2005

This one is totally fucked up :-) The Presurfer says is best on his post:”Shopping, gaming, chat rooms, cyber-dating, the internet is such an addictive and time-consuming force, who’s got time to go? With the Internet Urinal, you’ll never have to leave your computer again.”

Feeder: Create and Manage Your Feed

Thursday, February 10th, 2005

Dave Winer points to Feeder today, a unique resource that allows non-technical persons to create and manage their own RSS feeds. As the advent of blogging and podcasting continue to emerge, we see a continuous shift in the technical toolset that is available to the end user. What is really cool is that Feedster […]

Back in the States!

Wednesday, February 9th, 2005

Whew! after a long trip home I am finally back in Baltimore! Great times on my European adventure, and I hope to be doing alot of business there soon! Now to recoup and get back to business and blogging!

The Orgasmatron

Monday, February 7th, 2005

We have lost it folks! for sure. I read this on the train today in England.The Orgasmatron:”The Orgasmatron is a new electronic device that enables sexually dysfunctional women to reach climax; it involves having an implant containing a microchip inserted into your back, slapping on some electrodes and, basically, plugging yourself into the mains. Intensity […]

Super Bowl Ads on iFilm

Monday, February 7th, 2005

The official link for the Superbowl ads on iFilm is located here. Thanks Dave & Chris. Let us see what the bright minds from the American ad agencies come up with. Surely I am ot seeing all of them here in the UK!

Nicosphere 3000: WTF?

Monday, February 7th, 2005

Once again the presurfer has dug up yet another wild and obscure find on the web. Introducing the Nicosphere 3000, what the fuck? Seriously, do we need to go here, quit already!”The end result of all this scientific application? Guaranteed smoking pleasure.”

Sushi Pillows Niiice!

Monday, February 7th, 2005

Per Boing, we have the advent of Sushi Pillows! Looks like Salmon, rice and seaweed :-)

Asian Advertising: Distractive Style!

Sunday, February 6th, 2005

I have no clue either what exactly this commercial is promoting, but its an effective attention grabber :-) Check it out “good good”per goose.

Sunday in Londontown

Sunday, February 6th, 2005

I arrived safely in London today. I took a quick and simple KLM flight from Amsterdam. Back to business after a long and exciting weekend in the Dam. Tonight I will fully attempt to adjust to UK time, as I have never really gotten on the “clock” since I arrived in Europe. Of course […]