Whats Your Preople Ranking?

This is pretty cool, Steve Ruble points to Preople, check your name out:

Preople explained,

Who is your global or virtual neighbor? In an age where egocasting, dynamic ranking and global awareness is abundant we present Preople.com. Preople.com will tell you, definitely and undeniable, what your place, your ranking and your relation to all the other people in the world is in one number: your Preople Ranking. Don’t hesitate, don’t wait, enter your name in the search field en press Preople. All your questions will be answered.

Preople explained, really

ok, we visit a few search engines, search for your name, get the number of times your name is found online and perform a complicated calculation to extract a ranking. We guard this formula with our lives because it is what makes our service, and your ranking, unique.

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