University of Peace
I never realized that there was a University of Peace. The university is based in Costa Rica and has been around (or at least the charter has been) since 1980, and is directly affiliated with the United Nations. Right now they state that there are 102 students from 38 countries enrolled in seven Masters’ Programs. Maybe my head has been in the sand, but I thought it was pretty cool that there was an institution educating people on these issues, check out some of these degree programs:
* International Law and Settlement of Disputes
* International Law and Human Rights
* Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
* Gender and Peace Building
* International Peace Studies
* Environmental Security and Peace
* Peace Education
* Media, Conflict and Peace Studies
I hope that its doing the world some good. The student population though looks to be a little light. They have to kick their admissions up another notch or 5! We need more peace makers!
I honestly forgot who’s blog I read about this on, so my apologies to whoever it may be.