Upcoming Speaking Engagements
I just accepted two speaking engagements that sign me up for a doubleheader to the west coast this coming May. This time, I am headed a little further north than usual, San Francisco and San Jose. If your in the bay area and in the online / interactive marketing space, come check out these events. I have heard a lot of great things about Inbox, and have previous experience speaking at the Click Z Specifics: Email Marketing, when they kicked it off in New York City last October. I was very impressed with the turn out, and the content was exactly the stuff marketers want to hear, real world experience. Hope to see you on the west coast.
May 31-June 1 - INBOX: The Messaging Industry Event
San Jose, CA - San Jose Marriott
“The Future of Viral Email and User Generated Media” (Panel)
May 16th, 2007 - Click Z Specifics: Email Marketing
San Francisco, CA - San Francisco Marriott
“Cutting Through the Clutter Creatively”