
Life Changes: Acquisition of Blue Sky Factory & Whats Next

by Greg Cangialosi on July 26, 2011

Its been close to two months since my last post, and wow have there been some changes. I promise nothing too long winded, but let me catch you up with the highlights of the last month:

First up, if you are not already aware, I sold my company Blue Sky Factory to email marketing leader WhatCounts. After 10 years, its a wild experience to finally be an “exited” entrepreneur and have completed the cycle. I am very proud of the company we built, the presence we had in the market, and the kick ass team that I have had the fortunate experience of working with over all of the years. Every single person, past, present and future has played an important part of Blue Sky Factory.

As I mentioned in our final blog post:

It’s hard to fully express how strongly we feel toward our customers and employees. We’ve worked hard to build a profitable and thriving business and are proud of what our customers have been able to accomplish. It’s been a labor of love, and we are grateful we have had the opportunity to work with you as we developed and built Blue Sky Factory. Once again, thank you for your continued support and for joining us as we begin a new and very exciting journey.

Here are links to the video, announcements, and press:

YouTube Preview Image


WhatCounts announcement
Baltimore Business Journal

Here are two interviews I did for some additional perspective:

“After Blue Sky Factory’s Sale, Cangialosi Looks to Help Baltimore Entrepreneurial Community”

“When to Sell – A Conversation with Greg Cangialosi, Former CEO of Blue Sky Factory”

There are a few other flavors as well if you are interested on this Google search.

As a result of the acquisition, I am no longer an employee of the company and have moved to the board of directors of the combined company and will be doing some product strategy work for them on a consulting basis. Pretty exciting times to say the least! Definitely life changes.

So, what’s next?

Well, after running a company for the last decade of my life, the most sound advice I have been getting is “Take a break!!” For me, its really hard to be going 150 mph and to jump right down to 50 mph. So, the short answer is I am winding down many of my day to day affairs at Blue Sky Factory and helping to wrap some of the transition work that is part of an acquisition. As far as what’s next, I am going to give it several months before I jump back into anything serious or semi-full time. I need to clear my head, and take advantage of this opportunity in life and enjoy some time with my wife and daughter, that is just too precious of an opportunity to let fly by me.

Angel Investing:

Outside of some volunteer work I am doing with organizations I am currently involved in, the only other thing I will be actively be participating in is some angel / seed funding. I have been an active angel investor for the past 2 years and am now starting to ramp some of my activity up. If you think there is something I should take a look at, I would love to hear from you. I will also be writing a little more on this subject as I am investing within specific criteria. In the meantime, feel free to email me at gcangialosi at gmail dot com.

New Blog:

Over the next month I will also be transitioning this blog from The Trend Junkie to a new domain – cangialosi.net. I will announce it when its live but stay tuned for a complete redesign, and my attempt at writing on a regular schedule. I have learned a wealth of knowledge over the last 10 years and in particular the last 6 months. I have attempted to share a lot of my entrepreneurial experiences here on this blog, and will continue to do so in the future.

Thanks again for reading and I look forward to staying connected.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

JJT July 26, 2011 at 9:26 am

While I saw all of the action a couple of weeks ago, I thought I would hold-off on offering a formal congratulations. Well deserved on all fronts.

After going as fast (and as far) as you have been, the break is truly well-deserved. Enjoy the time with family and friends!


Greg Cangialosi July 26, 2011 at 2:46 pm

Thanks JJT! I always appreciate you reading the blog :-) Thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate it. Its been quite a ride, 10 years! I am ready to chill and get on to the next thing…… whatever that may be! See you soon!


DJ Waldow July 30, 2011 at 4:15 pm

Very excited for you, Greg. I really appreciate all of your support and "email introductions" over the past few weeks too. Means a ton.

Exciting stuff on the horizon for us both. I have a feeling that our paths will cross again soon. You'll let us all know when the new blog launches, right?


Greg Cangialosi July 30, 2011 at 9:52 pm

Absolutely DJ! will do, looking forward to the relaunch! I will let you know.

Anytime on the intros, happy to help. I know the next gig will be awesome!


