Archive for the 'Music' Category

Email, RSS & Push Communications

Monday, April 24th, 2006

With all of the noise around RSS being the “email killer,” I find it very interesting that publishers are really starting to embrace the fact that as popular as reading feeds are with feed reader apps like NewsGator and Blogline’s, the masses just aren’t showing up yet. People still prefer email as their primary form […]

Trick App: eJamming

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Check out eJamming, a collaborative and distributed music site. The system allows musicians from all over the world the opportunity to jam together via the web. Sounds wild, apparently they have patented algorithms that handle any latency issues. Mike over at Techcrunch puts a review together. Check it out.

I haven’t played any guitar in […]

Verizon V Cast Music Podcast

Friday, January 27th, 2006

Verizon Wireless just went live with their second podcast. In this podcast I cover the annoucement of the new V Cast Music service from CES in Las Vegas. We recorded everything at the uber cool Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Check out the VZW podcast page to listen to the show or download […]

PodcasterCon Bound

Friday, January 6th, 2006

Typing from 35k feet on a flight from Las Vegas to Raleigh-Durham, I am on my way to PodcasterCon. Vegas was insane! CES is UNBELIEVEABLE, I could have definitely used another 2-3 days to get through the entire conference, but more importantly the Verizon Wireless V Cast Music announcement and events were excellent. Upon arrival […]

Kicking Off 2006

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

Happy New Year to everyone! Thanks to everyone for reading, and hopefully 2006 brings about good things for us all. I had a wonderfully mellow NYE with Mrs. C. We kicked back at the house, popped open a bottle of Billecart-Salmon Brut Rose, wrote out some of our goals for 06 on the whiteboard, and […]

CES & Verizon Wireless Podcasts

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

Its now official, I am booked for CES in Las Vegas next week. Verizon Wireless will be making some very big announcements surrounding new products and services for 2006 at a press event being held at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino the morning of the 5th. We will be there to cover the excitement […]

Sirius Satellite Rocks

Friday, December 23rd, 2005

I wanted to throw a shout out in regards to Sirius Satellite Radio. I hooked up my receiver last week for both my home and vehicle, and paid for a one year subscription in advance. After one week of daily useage I can tell you that it absolutely ROCKS. A friend of mine said, […]

Pandora: Create Your Own Radio Station

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

This is a very cool application, Pandora. Its brought to you by the folks at the Music Genome Project. Pandora allows you to create your own customized music stations perse. You start with a blank slate, then add an artist or genre, etc and then Pandora will start streaming tunes based on the data you […]

The iPod Compatible Bed

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

Yes, thats right, the iPod compatible bed. Check it out:

By Design Mobel.

per PodcastingNews.

Deadheads Revolt

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

The Grateful Dead folks are stirring the pot and messing with their hardcore fan base by restricting the downloads of their live performances on A NY Times article goes over the specifics in detail:

” The band recently asked the operators of the popular Live Music Archive ( to make the concert recordings - a […]