Podcamp NYC Bound

Hola. I have headed north towards Podcamp NYC. Tonight I decided to stop the travels in NJ at my family’s house and park it here for the night. I was originally planning on heading up to the Slate event tonight but its going to be a long weekend :-)

I am planning on taking the 7:25am NJ Transit train to NYC tomorrow am, getting in early and staying late. There are several sessions I am planning on attending, and one I am going to be participating in, “The Podcasting Open Metrics Council (POMC) Initiative” which is number 6 on this list of the (at the moment) 107 various sessions taking place tomorrow (Saturday).

Looking forward to hanging out with all of you pod stars. If your going to Podcamp and want to hook up, email me at gcangialosi [at] gmail [dot] com. See you there.

Tags: podcamp, podcampnyc, podcampnyc2007, podcasting, nyc, media, technology

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