Archive for the 'Music' Category

renew orleans

Tuesday, September 27th, 2005

If you are looking for a way to make a contribution to the relief efforts in New Orleans, let me suggest renew orleans, a fund and site set up by Ropadope records in Brooklyn, NYC. The various initiatives include the New Orleans Musicians Hurricane Relief fund.

“the new orleans musicians hurricane relief fund is a […]

High Zero Music Festival

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

My colleague John, aided by the efforts of many others, is putting on the 7th annual High Zero music festival here in Balitmore this month. An amazing event centered around “freely improvised experimental music.”

Baltimore Magazine calls it the “Best Music Festival.” As an avid music lover, I am surprised I have never made it to […]

Music Festival In Your Head

Monday, September 5th, 2005

I came across a really cool post on Wired’s feed this morning. It’s almost a week old, because for some reason Wired is a feed I let “accumluate” content before checking it out. This morning I read about the Plug music festival that took place in San Fransisco last week, a BYO headphone musical event […]

New Plugs for the Pod

Wednesday, August 31st, 2005

I was getting ready to head out and walk to work last week, which I try to do at least 2-3 times a week, as its good excersize and thinking time. Part of this mini ritual is putting my iPod on and listening to tuneage. This time after firing up the pod I was dissappointed […]

Selling Yourself (Short?)

Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

Here is an interesting way to launch your music career, sell shares of yourself and your career on ebay :-) Thats definitely a new way of doing things in the music biz. Check it out on BBC.

“I kind of understood how the industry worked in terms of the royalties scheme, so I put up an […]

Future of Music: Tuneage Consumption

Friday, July 15th, 2005

Todd Storch points to a great eMarketer article that shows the clear shift in the way listeners consume music. In a nutshell, as you may expect, it shows a drop in radio and an increase in digital tuneage. Not too much of a shocker, but how fast will those numbers grow?

This no doubt confirms the […]

The iPod Flea

Wednesday, July 13th, 2005

More great iPod fun, if you haven’t seen this one yet make sure you check it out :-) Introducing the iPod Flea, the worlds smallest mp3 player! per adrants.

Live 8 Live Online

Saturday, July 2nd, 2005

If you get a chance I highly recommend checking out the global video feed that AOL is doing an excellent job of providing for the Live 8 concerts being held around the globe today. I have been watching the concert from Hyde Park in London for the past hour, great video, great sound. Enjoy!

AMP Launches New Site

Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

AMP, the Association for Music Podcasting is back online with a new revamped website. Check these guys out, they are doing something great for musicians all over and independent labels. I also learned a new term in the description below, a PSP (Podcasting Service Provider) :-) Nice work guys, keep it up!

We are a bunch […]

Future of Music: Audioscrobbler

Monday, June 13th, 2005

I have been doing a lot of research lately on the future of the music industry. In general, how artists will get their music out into the world, everything from posting it online, to the marketing and buzz generation, through to the selling of the music. As a former music promoter, it is still […]