Archive for the 'Blogging' Category

Distributed Social Networks

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

This is a rant on a topic that interests me as I continue to watch the evolution of social networking and social media. I wrote on this topic last February, but now more than ever I am starting to see a real need for the Social Network Integrator (SNI), but in a bit of a […]

My Social Nodes

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

I have been actively engaging with a wide variety of social sites. Some I have been using for a while, and others I am just starting with. Here are a few of my social coordinates as of 7/3:

Facebook - This is the newest latest for me.
Collective X - Join my network for ROI Radio.
Twitter […]

Bang a Gong

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Love the New Gong

Originally uploaded by The Trend Junkie

This week at Blue Sky Factory, we rolled out our brand new gong. This is an authentic gong made in the award winning Brass Instrument Factory in Wuhan, China.

The gong now represents one of the ways […]

The Twittergram

Saturday, June 23rd, 2007

Dave Winer is playing around with linking 200k audio files to his Twitter account (Twittergrams). I am digging it.

Dave threw it out as a proof of concept and Tom Morris responds. Good stuff, watch it grow.

Check it out.

Rockstar Advertising Themes

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Earlier this year I sat down with Keith, our guru designer, and Jarrod from our kick ass PR firm, and came up with a series of ads that had a theme around marketing like a “Rockstar.” We ran with this in early February and started our campaign on Marketing Vox’s website. The concept also stemmed […]

Marketing 2.0: A Basic Framework

Saturday, May 26th, 2007

Below, are some of my thoughts around what I would classify as a “basic” marketing 2.0 framework. I am writing on this topic as I begin to think through the presentation I will be giving in July at the edu Web Conference.

In a very dynamic and ever changing landscape of web 2.0 and social […]

We’ve Acquired RSSFWD

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

Today, at Blue Sky Factory we announced that we have acquired RSSFWD ( For those of you who aren’t familiar with RSSFWD, it is a web based service that allows anyone to subscribe to any RSS feed via their email address. An example is on the side bar of this blog. The press release that […]

Touchdown San Francisco

Friday, May 11th, 2007

I have arrived in the lovely city of San Francisco for the first time ever. Among being here for the first time ever, its actually the first time I will be in California and not have to go straight to a meeting, speak at an event or attend a conference.

I am here to speak […]

Tech Cocktail Comes to DC

Saturday, May 5th, 2007

I am psyched that Frank Gruber and crew have decided to put on Tech Cocktail DC on Thursday May 17th at MCCXXII.

Ever since Frank and Eric Olsen started Tech Cocktail in Chicago, its made me think about the lack of unique tech networking events that we have in the area. Sure we have decent events […]

We Are Hiring at Blue Sky Factory

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

Things are certainly moving and shaking over at Blue Sky Factory, Inc. While we are currently looking for rock stars in a few different areas, our most immediate need is in our technology department. Oddly enough, I never posted any of our open job positions before on this blog, so I figured I would give […]