Archive for December, 2005

Google’s Deal Maker

Monday, December 19th, 2005

Alan Meckler has an interesting post in reference to Eric Schmidt’s involvement in the latest Google - AOL deal:

“Eric Schmidt was the difference on this deal - make no mistake about it. 15 years of battling Microsoft and a lot of Internet history, gave Eric the impetus to make the deal. Now Google […]

The Entreprenuerial Life

Sunday, December 18th, 2005

Darren Rouse lays out 7 characteristics of the entrepreneurial life after discussing his start up experiences with a colleague. The truth be told - I have found them all to be accurate in my entreprenuerial life:

The good:

Freedom/Flexibility - Working for yourself brings with it some wonderful positives including the freedom not to have to […]

Interesting Quote of the Week

Friday, December 16th, 2005

Dave Winer on “How to Make Money on the Internet Ver. 3″

“Now the fundamental law of the Internet seems to be the more you send them away the more they come back”

“People come back to places that send them away. Memorize that one.”

Pandora: Create Your Own Radio Station

Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

This is a very cool application, Pandora. Its brought to you by the folks at the Music Genome Project. Pandora allows you to create your own customized music stations perse. You start with a blank slate, then add an artist or genre, etc and then Pandora will start streaming tunes based on the data you […]

Modeling Word of Mouth Marketing

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

They say one of the most powerful marketing mediums is word of mouth. The friendly dialouge that begins within some core social networks, friends telling friends, and then spreads from there. Very powerful indeed. Think about how many things you have tried because it came via the recommendation of a friend. A book you may […]

Rocketboom on Tivo

Monday, December 12th, 2005

Here we go - the morphing of the on-demand medias. TiVo has just announced that it will offer up the popular videoblog Rocketboom in its show directory. Served up fresh daily, will be Rocketbooms 3 minute spin on strange and unique topics of the day.

Wow though… what does this mean? TiVo, the mainstream, […]

In the Press: The Sun on Corporate Podcasting

Sunday, December 11th, 2005

Jamie Smith Hopkins writes a great piece in today’s Baltimore Sun Business section on how corporations are jumping on the podcasting bandwagon. I am quoted in regards to my work on the Disney, GM and Verizon Wireless podcasts. Jamie did great research and covered a lot of the various angles that are driving the growth […]

Text Pay Me

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

This is really cool. Trailing along the likes of PayPal’s simple model of sending or receiving money to anyone with an email address, a new service called TextPayMe is taking it to the next level, by launching a new secure mobile payment solution. Yes, text message your payment to someone. Definitely different, but in the […]

The iPod Compatible Bed

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

Yes, thats right, the iPod compatible bed. Check it out:

By Design Mobel.

per PodcastingNews.

Interesting Employment Tactic

Saturday, December 10th, 2005

Here is one of the more unique ways I have seen someone try to get a job at a company, check out - a weblog that was started by a Google employee hopeful. The author does not reveal his or her name, but makes contact via email simple at [email protected]. The blog contains posts […]