Archive for the 'Travels' Category

San Francisco Recap

Thursday, May 17th, 2007

Back in action on the east coast. San Francisco and the bay area was incredible! I landed early Friday afternoon in Oakland, and took the BART into Powell St station where I was only half a block a way from my hotel. I stayed at Hotel Palomar, which I highly recommend. I am […]

Touchdown San Francisco

Friday, May 11th, 2007

I have arrived in the lovely city of San Francisco for the first time ever. Among being here for the first time ever, its actually the first time I will be in California and not have to go straight to a meeting, speak at an event or attend a conference.

I am here to speak […]

Metrics & The Podcast & New Media Expo

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

I will be speaking on a panel at this years Podcast and New Media Expo on Friday September 28th in Ontario, CA. The panel is dubbed “Metrics in New Media: Showing Results and Judging Success ” and as of today’s date I will be participating with Paul Vogelzang of Porter Novelli / Mommycast, and Matt […]

Podcamp NYC on

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Jeff & I

Originally uploaded by arvindgrover.

Jeff Lebow of posted some of his video interviews at the recent Podcamp NYC. You can check them out here.

I had a great time at Podcamp. There was an incredible turnout of people from all walks of podcasting. […]

Podcamp NYC Bound

Friday, April 6th, 2007

Hola. I have headed north towards Podcamp NYC. Tonight I decided to stop the travels in NJ at my family’s house and park it here for the night. I was originally planning on heading up to the Slate event tonight but its going to be a long weekend :-)

I am planning on taking the […]

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

I just accepted two speaking engagements that sign me up for a doubleheader to the west coast this coming May. This time, I am headed a little further north than usual, San Francisco and San Jose. If your in the bay area and in the online / interactive marketing space, come check out these events. […]

On Travel (Alot of Travel)

Friday, March 9th, 2007

What a crazy schedule as of late. It has been a whirlwind week of travel which began a week ago today. I left the house at 4am last Friday and began a travel spree that is almost coming to an end. The good news is I am in sunny Miami, Florida where the weather is […]

Speaking Schedule

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

I posted a new page on the blog under the “Info” section that has my updated speaking schedule, both current and past (Still a work in progress). Also, if your interested in seeing what events myself and other representatives from my company will be at as well, we have a “public appearances” page on our […]

Michael Geoghegan on ROI Radio

Monday, February 19th, 2007

This weeks episode of ROI Radio features a chat with Michael Geoghegan, Co-Founder / CEO of Gigavox Media. Michael and I had a chance to sit down at last weeks Podcast Academy between sessions and catch up on all of the latest and greatest. We talk about IT Conversations, the first and still the […]

Thoughts On Apple In The Big Apple

Saturday, January 20th, 2007

Well, it finally happened. Last weekend I went out to the local Apple store in Towson, MD and bought myself a MacBook Pro. Until last Sunday, I never really ever drove a Mac before, ever. I have been a PC / Windows person my entire computing life, so needless to say, this is a […]