Archive for the 'Trends' Category

In & Out of the (Marketing) Matrix

Saturday, April 29th, 2006

I had lunch last week with a friend, colleague and client, Sean Fenlon, who runs a very successful lead transfer business, Double Positive Marketing Group. They are a first generation “live” marketing company. They find qualified leads in a variety of industries and transfer them live via telephone to their clients for a fee. They’ve […]

Email, RSS & Push Communications

Monday, April 24th, 2006

With all of the noise around RSS being the “email killer,” I find it very interesting that publishers are really starting to embrace the fact that as popular as reading feeds are with feed reader apps like NewsGator and Blogline’s, the masses just aren’t showing up yet. People still prefer email as their primary form […]

Entrepreneurial Aspirations

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Yes, I am still alive :-) , just a short blog hiatus. I just received Mediapost’s “Just an Online Minute” written by editor Tobi Elkin. Today’s edition covers the results of Yahoo’s second annual survey of entrepreneurial aspirations, targeted towards the baby boomers. The results are interesting, 66% of the respondents have considered starting their own […]

Google’s 10-k Filing & The Media Company Debate

Saturday, March 25th, 2006

I ran across a few interesting posts in regards to Google this am. Of particular interest to me was the overview of their acquisition activity in 2005. All of the data and commentary stems from Google’s 10-k filing. Scott Devitt of Internet Stock Blog does a great analysis of the filing and points […]

Alive and Well

Sunday, March 12th, 2006

I read a great article in the New York Times this morning dubbed “Alive and Well in Silicon Alley.” The basic overview was that things are “buzzing” once again in NYC tech wise, and it goes without saying that thats a good sign. What I really found interesting, was that some of the companies mentioned […]

Doing Deals

Saturday, March 11th, 2006

Michael has a great post on why most podcasting sponsorship deals are kept confidential:

I want podcasters to get paid their true worth. In many cases I am convinced that the people doing the deals are underselling the value. The more that people undersell the value – the more the market will come to accept those […]

Web Two Point O

Sunday, March 5th, 2006

Here is a directory of 900 + web 2.0 sites in 50 categories. They have captured most of the good stuff and also link to a lot of new things. Check it out.

per Will Pate.


Sunday, February 26th, 2006

Feedburner has just celebrated its 2 year anniversary. I have to say I am very pleased with their service, and as I predict, they will continue to scale and meet the market demands as more and more publishers embrace RSS syndication. They are very much on the proverbial case. Every time I think of something […]

Social Network Integrator

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

Here is a short, random rant of a concept for an interesting job, the “Social Network Integrator,” SNI for short. The SNI is someone who can plan a successful integration between two different social networks. The objective of the position would be to provide a seamless, harmonious integration that rapidly lead to increased overall value […]

The Web 2.0 Smack Down

Friday, February 24th, 2006

I came across a couple of Web 2.0 smack downs that I thought I would share with you. First, be sure to check out:

- Wankr, a new launch for the complete and smack down of the term and vibe of “Web 2.0″

- Make sure you don’t miss the “Web 2.0 Generator” - “Quick! […]